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Movies for your Clients

Writer's picture: Chris HoweChris Howe

So we've already talked about how important it is to create emotion with the images you use, Let's talk now about recording and supplying your clients with the video content in a way that will help them succeed!

The biggest challenge, at least for us, is producing a video you are satisfied with your clients seeing. The idea that your clients will hate your video and give it a thumbs down is all in your head! Your clients have come to you for your expertise, so as long as your videos are short and cover what they are supposed to, your clients will not care if you stutter, have a bad hair day, or miss the timing on one of your explanations. One of the worst video production quality companies produced some of the top content for the industry because of its expertise.


One thing that is usually advised is to have a script. For me, a script can feel extremely limiting. The better thing, in our experience, is to have some key points along with the subject you will be talking about outlined on a sheet next to your camera. These simple talking points will help keep you on track, but don't limit you and reduce your warm demeanor to a robotic-script reader. And if you think you need a whole script, think again. The things you are talking about are the subject matter you are dealing with every day. You are the expert, just explain it as you do to your clients, only this time, your client is a camera.

Each topic you cover should be small enough to make a very succinct video. Ideally, the run time is between 3 and 8 minutes, and if you happen to go past 15, you are likely covering content that should be built out into two boxes. See if you can't split it into two videos.


Nothing is more disengaging when watching a video than the audio cutting suddenly from one quality to the next, or a cut-off word in a scene. When you are making your initial recording there are a few audio tips to keep in mind.

1)Acoustics - These are for real a thing when recording. They can make or break whether or asure or a pain to listen to. Best practices can include things like getting a special mic, or simply hanging a comforter behind the mic at a little bit of an angle.

2) Breathing - Try not to "Darth Vader" all over your mic. If you are using an external mic make sure it's far enough away from your face to not pick up your breath as you breathe. You can use this for the effect of course if you are trying to make a point with it, but generally, your content will be more valuable if it's pleasant to listen to.

3) Pacing - This is a big one and it will make much more sense when you review your video to edit it. Pace out your sentences. After you cover one thought, take a pause (about 1/2 a breath), inhale, and begin talking about the next point. If you can get it in one take, by all means, do so. But more often than not, you will want to edit the video (at least a little) to smooth out those rough edges. This becomes extremely challenging if you have not left edit room during the recording.


Resolution is usually the first thing that comes to mind when someone thinks about recording a video, but it's one of the least important aspects. Most of your clients will be accessing this content from a mobile device, and beyond 720p there is very little benefit to higher resolutions. What this means is that you do not need any more specialized video recording equipment than a smartphone camera.

Moreover, you also want to consider the size of the video file you are setting to upload, remember, to watch your video your clients will have to stream it, and the basics around that are: The higher the video quality, the better the internet connection needed to view without frame-skipping and buffering.


Next time you watch a TV show, check out how often they rotate the camera angle, there's a reason for that. Did you know people blink on average 15-20 times per minute? This is once every three seconds. It's no wonder long shots typically lose our focus, we have about 3-second shots in our day-to-day life. Granted, we aren't changing camera angles drastically every time we blink, but it's still fascinating.

While not necessary, it is something you can do to improve your audience's focus. Shift the angle of the camera. Usually, this means taking the initial video with 2-3 different recording sources. Just be prepared to do some heavier editing if this is how you are recording.


There are many free editing software out there. The two which have our recommendation are NCH software and iMovie on apple devices. Between the two, even a novice editor can put together videos that capture everything we are trying to convey.

If you aren't careful this is where you will sink all of your time. Video editing can be extremely time-consuming if you are trying to make that "perfect video". There is no perfect, just do what's necessary to make it helpful and come back to it if you have time later down the line. Keep in mind, "later down the line" doesn't exist and you may just need to be happy with what you have time to produce!


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